Referrals Considered From:
- Detox/Rehabilitation clinics
- Substance/alcohol misuse agencies
- Doctors
- Probation services
- Prisons
- Acute trust and mental health trust
- Self-referrals are accepted
Acceptance Criteria:
- Seeking to maintain recovery from substance misuse
- 28 days clean from all mood- and mind-altering substances
- Willing to remain abstinent while accommodated by the project
- Willing to consent to random drink/drug tests
- Willing to consent to and be present during random room checks
- Willing to engage in all 1 to 1 support sessions
- Willing to participate in weekly house groups
- Willing to attend group activities
- Willing to engage in all mutual aid recovery groups
- Willing to help create a respectful community living environment.
We are unable to consider any person with convictions for arson, sexual offences, or schedule 1 offences.
Also, this project is not suitable for people with severe mental health, severe autism or severe learning difficulties.
If you have any queries or require more information please dont hesitate to contact us. We will endeavour to reply as promptly as possible.